piątek, 17 października 2014

pomimo deszczu

 Pomimo deszczu - znajdź czas na latanie :)
Strona zaczęta podczas Craft Party w Poznaniu (chciałam wypróbować nowe przydasie), ale skończona już w domu. Z wykorzystaniem maski, farb akrylowych i akwarelowych, mgiełek, pisaków, długopisów żelowych, pasteli olejnych, tuszu i Glossy Accent na napisie. Pani z parasolem wycięta z jakiejś gazetki - pięknie się wpasowała, prawda?

Despite the autumn rain - find some time to fly :)
I started this art journal page during Poznań Craft Party (I wanted to try out some new toys), but I finished at home. I used a stencil, watercolors, acrylics, mists, pens, markers, pastels, inks and Glossy Accent on the sign to make it 3D. The lady with an umbrella was cut out of a magazine, but I think she fits here perfectly, doesn't she?


I'm linking to Paint Party Friday, Art Journal Every Day and Friday Sketches.

10 komentarzy:

  1. Your right that lady fits in perfectly. The whole composition is great and I love the words ;D

  2. Love your brilliant page. Happy PPF, Annette x


  3. fabulous page!! And yes, the umbrella girl is a perfect match for the page and for your weather:) Happy PPF!

  4. Gorgeous colours and movement!! LOVE it! Yes, perfect fit the lady with umbrella!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. I love this one, it's so dreamyy; the colors and the lady in her umbrella.. and this kind of art would look better in a canvas, I think. :>

  6. Such wonderful advice & so wonderfully illustrated!


  7. What a wonderful and dreamy piece of art! The colors are magnificent! Thank you so much for sharing!


  8. What a fun and whimsical piece. I think the lady and her umbrella fit perfectly.

  9. Ohhh I love this umbrella girl. Very nice
